
"The Harem" Red Deer on Big Moor
Red Deer Stag Big Moor
Red Deer Hinds Big Moor
Mountain Hare Bleaklow
Shrew Pleasley Pit
Green Woodpecker Pleasley Pit
Juvenile Moorhen feeding second brood chick Pleasley Pit
House Martin Pleasley Pit
House Martin Pleasley Pit
House Martin Pleasley Pit
Starling Murmuration Cavendish Mill
Snipe Cattis-side Moor, Stanage
Ring Ouzel, Stanage Edge
Red Grouse (Male) Derwent Moor
Red Grouse (Male) Derwent Moor
Male Red Grouse Derwent Edge
Kestrel White Edge
Wheatear White Edge
Reed Bunting White Edge
Meadow Pipit Curbar Edge
Sand Martins Chatsworth
Female Goosander Chatsworth
Male Goosander Chatsworth
Male Linnet Hardwick Hall
Swallow Over Haddon
Whinchat Over Haddon
Skylark Hurdlow
Blackbird Calver
Lesser Redpoll Longshaw
Mandarins Grindleford
Dipper Grindleford
Mandarin Duck Padley Gorge
Female Pied Flycatcher Padley Gorge
Female Pied Flycatcher Padley Gorge
Male Pied Flycatcher Padley Gorge
Treecreeper Padley Gorge
Brambling Shillito Wood
Juvenile Yellowhammer Shillito Wood
Female Yellowhammer Shillito Wood
Male Yellowhammer Shillito Wood
Buzzard Bar Brook Eastern Moors
Male Stonechat Bar Brook Eastern Moors
Female Stonechat Bar Brook Eastern Moors
Male Tufted Duck Barbrook Reservoir Eastern Moors
Starling & Fieldfare Baslow Edge
Nuthatch Hathersage
Great Tit Hathersage
Male Siskin Hathersage
Juvenile Siskin  Hathersage
Male Blackcap Lathkill Dale
Willow Warbler Lathkill Dale
Dipper Lathkill Dale
Tufted Duck & Marsh Marigold Lathkill Dale
Grey Wagtail Dovedale
Buzzard Dovedale
Kestrel Dovedale
Spotted Flycatcher Chee Dale
Little Grebe Cromford Canal
Tree Bumblebee on Bush Vetch Pleasley Pit
Female Banded Demoiselle Cromford Canal
Blue-tailed Damselfly on Plantain Pleasley Pit
Common Blue Damselfly on Meadowsweet Pleasley Pit
Female Common Darter Pleasley Pit
Male Common Darter Coombs Dale
Female Emerald Damselfly Ramsley Reservoir
Male Emerald Damselfly Ramsley Reservoir
Emerald Damselflies in Tandem Ramsley Reservoir
Female Black Darter Ramsley Reservoir
Male Black Darter Ramsley Reservoir
Mating Black Darters Ramsley Reservoir
Black Darters in Tandem Ramsley Reservoir
Black Darters in Tandem Bar Brook
Grass Snake Ramsley Reservoir
Oviposting Brown Hawker Ramsley Reservoir
Male Common Hawker Ramsley Reservoir
Southern Hawker Ramsley Reservoir
Male Black-tailed Skimmer Ramsley Reservoir
Male Emperor Dragonfly Ramsley Reservoir
Male Wall Brown Ramsley Reservoir
Female Wall Brown Pilsley
Peacock on Black Knapweed Coombs Dale
Female Dark Green Fritillary Coombs Dale
Male Dark Green Fritillary Coombs Dale
Brimstone on Red Campion Coombs Dale
Brown Argus Coombs Dale
Male Meadow Brown Coombs Dale
Female Meadow Brown on Valerian Coombs Dale
Dingy Skipper on Bugle Coombs Dale
Fragrant Orchid Coombs Dale
Pyramidal Orchid Coombs Dale
Green Hairstreak on Tall Rockcress Dovedale
Dingy Skipper Dovedale
Orange Tip on Cuckoo Flower Dovedale
Comma Lathkill Dale
Male Meadow Brown on Common Valerian Chee Dale
Ringlet Chee Dale
Ringlet Chee Dale
Common Blue Millers Dale Station
Gatekeeper (Male) Baslow
Peacock Bamford
Small Skipper Hathersage
Green Hairstreak Padley
Red Admiral Thornbridge Hall
Female Blue Cressbrook Dale
Small Heath Tideswell
Grass Rivulet Moth Longshaw Estate
Silver-ground Carpet Moth Alstonefield
Shaded Broad-bar Moth Pleasley Pit
Chimney Sweeper Moth Chee Dale
Bright-line Brown-eye Moth Caterpillar Curbar Edge
Five-spot Burnet Moth Ramsley Reservoir
Six-spot Burnet Moth Baslow Edge
Cranefly Baslow Edge

South Yorkshire

Frog Sheffield Garden
Frog Sheffield Garden
Frog Sheffield Garden
Male Smooth Newt Sheffield Garden
Hedgehog Sheffield Garden
Field Mouse Sheffield Garden
Sheffield Garden
Sheffield Garden
Sheffield Garden
Coal Tit Sheffield Garden
Female Blackcap Sheffield Garden
Male Blackcap Sheffield Garden
Bullfinch Sheffield Garden
Blue Tit Sheffield Garden
Brambling Sheffield Garden
Goldfinch Sheffield Garden
Female Siskin Sheffield Garden
Robin Sheffield Garden
Long-tailed Tit Sheffield Garden
Greenfinch Sheffield Garden
Male House Sparrow Sheffield Garden
Great Spotted Woodpecker Sheffield Garden
Magpie Sheffield Garden
Jay Sheffield Garden
Jackdaw Sheffield Garden
Collared Dove Sheffield Garden
Grey Heron Sheffield Garden
Sparrowhawk Sheffield Garden
Male Pheasant Sheffield Garden
Song Thrush Sheffield Garden
Fieldfare Sheffield Garden
Fieldfare Sheffield Garden
Redwing Sheffield Garden
Starling Sheffield Garden
Dunnock Sheffield Garden
Chaffinch Sheffield Garden
Male Common Hawker Dragonfly Sheffield Garden
Immature Male Southern Hawker Dragonfly & Nymph Sheffield Garden
Male Large Red Damselfly Sheffield Garden
Female Large Red Damselfly (f.melanotum) Sheffield Garden
Large Red Damselflies in Tandem Sheffield Garden
Mating Large Red Damselflies Sheffield Garden
Female Common Blue Damselfly (Drab Form - Mature) Sheffield Garden
White-tailed Bumblebee (Queen) Sheffield Garden
7-spot Ladybird Sheffield Garden
Harlequin Ladybird Sheffield Garden
Harlequin Ladybird (f.succinea & f.conspicua) Sheffield Garden
Harlequin Ladybird Sheffield Garden
Harlequin Ladybird Pupa Sheffield Garden
Harlequin Ladybird Pupa Sheffield Garden
Common Green Shieldbug Nymph Sheffield Garden
Common Green Shieldbug Sheffield Garden
Hawthorn Shieldbug Sheffield Garden
Speckled Wood Sheffield Garden
Orange Tip Sheffield Garden
Green-veined White Sheffield Garden
Female Meadow Brown Sheffield Garden
Red Admiral Sheffield Garden
Silver-washed Fritillary Sheffield Garden
Painted Lady Sheffield Garden
Female Gatekeeper Sheffield Garden
Small Copper Sheffield Garden
Copper Underwing Caterpillar Sheffield Garden
Mullein Moth Caterpillar Sheffield Garden
Vapourer Moth Caterpillar Sheffield Garden
Purple & Gold Moth Sheffield Garden
Vapourer Moth Sheffield
Green Carpet Moth Sheffield
Garden Carpet Moth Sheffield
Silver Y Moth Sheffield
Rustic Moth Sheffield
Satellite Moth Sheffield
Large Yellow Underwing Sheffield
Large Yellow Underwing Sheffield
Light Emerald Moth Sheffield
Antler Moth Sheffield
July High Flyer Sheffield
Garden Spider Sheffield
Goldcrest Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Jay Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Long-tailed Tit Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Redwing Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Redwing Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Wren Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Honey & Garden Bees on Yellow Tree Peony Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Holly Blue on Verbena Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Tawny Owl Crosspool Sheffield
Peregrine Falcon St George's Church Sheffield University
Juvenile & Adult Peregrine Falcon St George's Church Sheffield University
Juvenile Peregrine Falcon St George's Church Sheffield University
Dipper Porter Valley Sheffield
Moorhen Porter Valley Sheffield
Brown Rat Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Moorhen Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Black-headed Gulls Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Grey Heron Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Grey Wagtail Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Pied Wagtail Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Meadow Pipit with Leatherjacket Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Redwing Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Male Kingfisher Endcliffe Park Sheffield
Kingfisher (Male) Shepherd Wheel Sheffield
Willow Emerald Shepherd Wheel Sheffield
Male Goosander (in the snow) Wire Mill Dam Sheffield
Mandarins Wire Mill Dam Sheffield
Chiffchaff Wire Mill Dam Sheffield
Rosybill Pochard Graves Park Sheffield
Song Thrush Heeley City Farm
Waxwing Crosspool
Waxwing Crospool
Tawny Owl Wyming Brook Sheffield
Bullfinch Wyming Brook Sheffield
Buzzard Wyming Brook Sheffield
Fieldfare Wyming Brook Sheffield
Siskin (female) Lady Canning's Plantation Sheffield
Stonechat (female) Brown Edge Quarry Sheffield
Meadow Pipit Brown Edge Quarry Sheffield
Wheatear Brown Edge Quarry Sheffield
Goldfinches Brown Edge Farm Sheffield
Starlings Brown Edge Farm Sheffield
Brown Hare Brown Edge Farm Sheffield
Canada Geese Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Canada Geese Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Greylag Geese Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Female Pheasant Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Red Grouse Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Reed Bunting Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Willow Warbler Redmires Reservoir Sheffield
Large Skipper Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Oystercatchers Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Buzzard Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Curlew Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Curlew Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Curlew Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Golden Plover Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Starling Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Lapwing & Starling Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Lapwing Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Lapwing Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Lapwing Chick Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Juvenile Lapwing Lodge Moor Sheffield
Water Vole Redmires Conduit Sheffield
Stoat Long Causeway Redmires
Red Deer Sheephill Road Ringinglow
Fieldfare Blacka Moor
Cormorant Rivelin Reservoir Sheffield
Grey Heron Frank Wheel Rivelin Valley Sheffield
Mandarin Corn Mill Rivelin Valley Sheffield
Cormorant Damflask Sheffield
Blackbird Kiveton Park
Tree Sparrows North Anston
Tree Sparrow North Anston
Male Blue-tailed Damselfly Potteric Carr Doncaster
Male Chaffinch Potteric Carr Doncaster
Female Great Spotted Woodpecker Potteric Carr Doncaster
Reed Bunting Potteric Carr Doncaster
Male Four-spotted Chaser RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Female Common Blue Damselfly (Blue variant) RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Female Common Blue RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Female Bullfinch RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Male Bullfinch RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Tawny Owl RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Golden Plover RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Male & Female Gadwall RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Male & Female Wigeon RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Pochard RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Pintail RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Snipe RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Avocet RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Redshank (with attitude!) RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Common Scoter RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Juvenile Goldfinch RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Bearded Tit RSPB Old Moor Barnsley
Early Marsh Orchid RSPB Old Moor Barnsley

West Yorkshire

Golden Pheasant Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Swan Eggs Harewood House Leeds
Cygnet Harewood House Leeds
Juvenile Pheasant Harewood House Leeds
Juvenile Pheasant Harewood House Leeds
Pied Wagtail Harewood House Leeds
Swans Golden Acre Park Leeds
Broad-bodied Chaser Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Brown Hawker Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Adult Male Goldeneye Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Ist Winter Male & Female Goldeneye Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Greenfinch Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Little Owl Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Male Bullfinch Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Kingfisher Rodley Nature Reserve Leeds
Male & Female Goosander River Aire at Rodley Leeds
Male Goosander River Aire at Rodley Leeds
Bittern mobbed by Black-headed Gull (Image courtesy of Bill Stubbs) St Aidan's Nature Park Leeds
Juvenile Stonechat St Aidan's Nature Park Leeds
Female Linnet St Aidan's Nature Park Leeds
Male Linnet St Aidan's Nature Park Leeds
Red Kite St Aidan's Nature Park Leeds
Juvenile Spoonbill Fairburn Ings Leeds
Small Tortoiseshell Leeds Garden
Red Admiral Leeds Garden
Comma Leeds Garden
Painted Lady Leeds Garden

North Yorkshire

Kestrel (Female) Comb Hill, Malham
Pied Wagtail Malham Tarn
Skylark Malham Tarn
Wren Malham Cove
Dipper Swaledale
Red Grouse (Female) Swaledale
Carder bee on Cephalaria gigantea Harlow Carr
Mating Common Blue Damselflies on Water Lily Harlow Carr
Immature Male Azure Damselfly Harlow Carr
Emperor Dragonfly (Female) oviposting Harlow Carr
Male Common Darter Harlow Carr

East Yorkshire

Gannet Bempton Cliffs
Gannet Bempton Cliffs
Garganey Blacktoft Sands


Muntjac Deer Fowlmere
Roe Deer Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Water Buffalo Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Comma on Knapweed Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Speckled Wood Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Female Common Darter Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Male Common Darter Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Over Mature Female Common Darter (& spider!) Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve Ely
Konik Ponies Wicken Fen
Brown Hare Nene Washes
Scarce Chaser Nene Washes
Small Tortoiseshell Nene Washes
Black-tailed Godwit Nene Washes
Black-tailed Godwit Nene Washes
Black-tailed Godwits Welney Wetland Centre Norfolk
Eclipse Male Shovelers & Female Welney Wetland Centre Norfolk
Whooper Swans Welney Wetland Centre Norfolk
Goldfinch Welney Wetland Centre Norfolk
Tree Sparrow Welney Wetland Centre Norfolk
Hobby & Prey RSPB Lakenheath Fen Suffolk
Hobby RSPB Lakenheath Fen Suffolk
Juvenile Common Buzzard RSPB Lakenheath Fen Suffolk
Kestrel Food Pass RSPB Lakenheath Fen Suffolk


Coot & Chick Verulamium Park St. Albans
Great Crested Grebe Marsworth Reservoir Bucks.
Great Crested Grebe (Winter plumage) Fishers Green Lee Valley Country Park
Little Grebe (Winter plumage) RSPB Rye Meads Lee Valley
Grass Snake Wildlife Trust Amwell
Female Azure Damselfly College Lake Tring
Bee Orchid College Lake Tring
Common Spotted Orchid College Lake Tring
Pyramidal Orchid College Lake Tring
Common Twayblade College Lake Tring
Corn Cockle College Lake Tring
Cornflower College Lake Tring
Field Cow-wheat College Lake Tring
Meadow College Lake Tring
Hobby College Lake Tring
Hobby & Kestrel College Lake Tring
Lapwing College Lake Tring
Male Shoveler College Lake Tring
Greylag Geese (with semi-leucistic variant) College Lake Tring
Greylag Geese Wilstone Reservoir Near Tring


Goosander Coniston Water
Female Goosander Derwent Water
Female Goosander Derwent Water
Treecreeper Bassenthwaite
Red-legged Partridge Newlands Valley
Pearl-bordered Fritillary Coniston
Slow Worm Langdale
Southern Hawker (Male) Elterwater Great Langdale
Swallow Dungeon Ghyll Great Langdale
Roe Deer Rydal Water
Juvenile Pied Wagtail Witherslack
Pied Wagtail Humphrey Head Grange-over-Sands
Blue Tit Skelwith Bridge
Buzzard Skelwith Bridge
Great Tit Skelwith Bridge
Jay Skelwith Bridge
Roe Deer Skelwith Bridge


Common Tern Pensthorpe Nature Park
Egyptian Geese Pensthorpe Nature Park
Brown Hawker oviposting Pensthorpe Nature Park
Four-spotted Chaser Snipes Marsh Cley
Female Keeled Skimmer Holt Country Park
Female Black-tailed Skimmer Holt Country Park
Female Common Darter Burnham
Common Darter (Male) Holkham
Black Darter (Female) Holkham
Lesser Emperor Holkham
Ruddy Darter Holkham
Blue Holkham
Blue Holkham
Wall Brown (Male) Holkham
Common Carpet Holkham
Meadow Grasshopper Holkham
Banded Demoiselles in Tandem Stiffkey
Female Banded Demoiselle Stiffkey
Male Banded Demoiselle Stiffkey
Blue Damselflies Bayfield Lake Glandford
Brown-line Bright-eye Morston
Brimstone Moth Morston
Rustic Moth Morston
Silver Y Moth Cley
Cinnabar Moth Stiffkey Fen
Painted Lady Morston
Red Admiral Morston
Red Admiral Morston
Holly Blue Blakeney
Comma Stiffkey
Silver-washed Fritillary Holt Country Park
Greenfinch Morston Quay
Meadow Pipit Morston
Juvenile Fallow Deer Holkham Hall
Fallow Deer Holkham Hall
Fallow Deer Holkham Hall
Brent Geese Overy Creek Holkham NNR
Goldcrest Gun Hill Holkham NNR
Little Egret Overy Creek
Curlew Blakeney Quay
Curlew with Crab Blakeney Quay
Dunlin Brancaster Staithe
Greenshank Brancaster Staithe
Oystercatcher Brancaster Staithe
Redshank (Winter) Brancaster Staithe
Turnstone Brancaster Staithe
Swift Wells
Starlings & Jackdaw Wells
Wren Weybourne
Meadow Pipit Weybourne
Redshank Weybourne
Wainscot Weybourne
Cabbage Moth Weybourne
Shuttle-shaped Dart Weybourne
Avocet RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Bearded Tit RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Water Rail RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Black-tailed Godwit RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Black-tailed Godwit RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Ruff RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Golden Plover with Lapwing RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Grey Plover RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Spoonbill RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Lapwing RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Pied Wagtail (First Winter) RSPB Titchwell Marsh
Greater Black-backed & Glaucous Gulls Gramborough Hill, Cley
Snow Bunting Gramborough Hill, Cley
White-fronted Goose Cley Marshes
Spoonbill Cley Marshes
Teal Cley Marshes
Wigeon (Female) Cley Marshes
Green Sandpiper Cley Marshes
Shelduck Cley Marshes
Ruff Cley Marshes
Black-tailed Godwit (Juvenile) Cley Marshes
Black-tailed Godwit Cley Marshes
Water Shrew Cley Marshes
Common Seals Blakeney Point
Grey Bull Seal Blakeney Point
Grey Seal Pup Blakeney Point
Grey Seal Blakeney Point
Sandwich Terns Blakeney Point
Sandwich Terns Blakeney Point
Brent Goose Blakeney Marsh
Female Marsh Harrier Holme Dunes
Kestrel Holme Dunes
Juvenile Wheatear Holme Dunes
Juvenile Dunlin Holme Dunes
Dunlin Holme Dunes
Green Sandpiper & Redshank Holme Dunes
Redshank Holme Dunes
Black-tailed Godwit Holme Dunes
Male Wall Brown Holme Dunes
Toad Holme-next-the-Sea
Reed Bunting Holme-next-the-Sea
Dunnock Holme-next-the-Sea
Buzzard Holme-next-the-Sea
Marsh Harrier (Female) Holme-next-the-Sea
Marsh Harrier (Male) Holme-next-the-Sea
Barn Owl Snettisham
Barn Owl Snettisham
Hare Snettisham
Golden Plover Snettisham
Knot Snettisham
Knot Snettisham
Knot & Oystercatcher Snettisham
Oystarcatcher Snettisham
Shelduck, Oystercatcher & Knot Snettisham
Swans Snettisham
Bar-tailed Godwit Thornham

Rutland Water

Male Meadow Brown
Cardinal Beetle
Great Egret
Great Crested Grebes
Great Crested Grebes & Chick
Common Tern
Common Tern
Reed Bunting
Juvenile Ruddy Shelduck
Female Great Spotted Woodpecker


Common Blue Damselfly  (Male) Brockholes Wildlife Trust
Brown Hawker (Female) Brockholes Wildlife Trust
Common Blue Brockholes Wildlife Trust
Juvenile Cormorants Brockholes Wildlife Trust
Female Shoveler RSPB Leighton Moss
Female Marsh Harrier RSPB Leighton Moss
Redshank & Greenshank RSPB Leighton Moss
Little Grebe RSPB Leighton Moss
Mallard RSPB Leighton Moss
Female Pintail RSPB Leighton Moss
Nuthatch RSPB Leighton Moss
Marsh Sandpiper RSPB Leighton Moss
Snipe RSPB Leighton Moss
Spotted Flycatcher RSPB Leighton Moss
Otter RSPB Leighton Moss
Red Deer RSPB Leighton Moss
Fallow Deer RSPB Leighton Moss


Arctic Terns Inner Farne
Arctic Tern Inner Farne
Common Tern Inner Farne
Common Tern & Sand Eel Inner Farne
Common Tern Eggs Inner Farne
Sandwich Terns Inner Farne
Female Eider Inner Farne
Fulmar Inner Farne
Kittiwake Inner Farne
Guillemot Inner Farne
Razorbills Inner Farne
Shag & Chicks Inner Farne
Rock Pipit Inner Farne
Reed Bunting (& spider) Lindisfarne
Skylark Lindisfarne
Grey Seals Lindisfarne
Grey Seals Lindisfarne
Female Great Spotted Woodpecker Cragside Rothbury
Grey Wagtail Cragside Rothbury
Roe Deer Rothbury
Female Small Copper Howick Hall
Black Swan Newton pool
Male Eider Seahouses
Male Eider Seahouses
Male Wall Brown Seahouses


Buff Ermine Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Buff-tip Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Burnished Brass Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Caddisfly Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Elephant Hawkmoth Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Eyed Hawkmoth Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Privet Hawkmoth Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Scalloped Oak Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Plume Moth Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Lime-speck Pug Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Sedge Warbler Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Whitethroat Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Male Linnet Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Female Linnet Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Black-headed Gull Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Juvenile Black-headed Gull Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Cormorants Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Cormorants Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Five-spot Burnet Dungeness Nature Reserve
Six-spot Burnet Pupa Dungeness Nature Reserve
Mullein Moth Caterpillar Dungeness Nature Reserve
Grasshopper Winchelsea
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Winchelsea
Swallows Rye
Yellow Hammer Romney Marsh


Bewick Swans Slimbridge
Bittern Slimbridge
Buzzard Chipping Camden
Moorhen Paxford
Banded Demoiselle (Female) Paxford
Banded Demoiselle (Male) Paxford
Beautiful Demoiselle (Male) Paxford
Scarlet Tiger Moth Paxford
Cockchafer Beetle Paxford
Signal Crayfish Paxford


Female Black Redstart Beer
Brent Geese Exmouth
Little Egret Exmouth
Pintail Exmouth
Turnstone Exmouth
Teal Topsham
Wigeon Topsham
Greenfinches Topsham
Curlew on The Exe Topsham
Stonechat Dawlish Warren
Cirl Bunting Labrador Bay


Brimstone on Yellow Rattle Compton Verney
Female & Male Blue-tailed Damselfly Compton Verney
Great Crested Grebe & Chick Compton Verney
Great Crested Grebe & Chicks Compton Verney


Brimstone on Cranesbill Tatton Park
Female Brown Hawker Tatton Park


Angle Shades Moth Comley, Church Stretton
Canary-shouldered Thorn Moth Comley, Church Stretton
Male & Female Common Hawkers Long Mynd, Church Stretton
Golden-ringed Dragonfly Ashes Hollow Little Stretton
Beautiful Demoiselle on Crowfoot Craven Arms
Green-veined White Ashes Hollow Little Stretton
Small White on Red Valerian Craven Arms
Red Admiral on Ivy Craven Arms
Male Ringlet Wenlock Edge
Speckled Wood Church Stretton
Comma All Stretton
Small Tortoiseshell All Stretton
Female Small Copper Batch Valley, All Stretton
Ravens The Lawley, Church Stretton
Willow Warbler The Lawley, Church Stretton
Grasshopper Warbler Ashes Hollow Little Stretton
Spotted Flycatcher Ashes Hollow Little Stretton
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Male) Caradoc
Grey Wagtail Craven Arms
Wild Ponies Long Mynd
Wild Ponies Long Mynd


Wild Horses below High Hurth Edge
Roe Deer near High Force
Black Grouse Lek
Black Grouse
Common Sandpiper at Blackton Reservoir
Juvenile Golden Plover Hudeshope Beck
Dipper with Caddisfly Larva at Langdon Beck
Grey Wagtail at Langdon Beck
Female Reed Bunting at Langdon Beck
Juvenile Dunnock at Langdon Beck
Song Thrush with Leatherjacket at Langdon Beck
"Stockamsel" Blackbird at Langdon Beck
Willow Warbler at Langdon Beck
Female Blackcap at Langdon Beck
Wheatear at Cow Green


7-spot Ladybird Wedmore
Yellow Shell Moth Wedmore
Black-tailed Skimmer (Female) Wedmore
Sedge Warbler Wedmore
Whitethroat Wedmore
Long-tailed Tit Wedmore
Rabbit Wedmore
Roe Deer Wedmore
Azure Damselfly (Female) Ham Wall Avalon Marshes
Black-tailed Skimmer (Male) Ham Wall Avalon Marshes
Blue Tit Ham Wall Avalon Marshes
Willow Warbler Ham Wall Avalon Marshes
Spotted Flycatcher Ham Wall Avalon Marshes
Marsh Harrier Ham Wall Avalon Marshes
Barn Owl Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Blue-tailed Damselfly Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Spotted Longhorn Beetle Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Cardinal Beetle Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Speckled Bush-cricket Nymph Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Small Argent and Sable Moth Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Meadow Brown (Female) Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Ringlet Shapwick Heath Avalon Marshes
Black-tailed Skimmer West Hay Avalon Marshes
Four-banded Longhorn Beetle West Hay Avalon Marshes
Reed Bunting West Hay Avalon Marshes

Wye Valley

 Black-tailed Skimmer Croome Worcester
Marbled White Croome Worcester
Fragrant Orchid Croome Worcester
Mint Moth Haugh Woods
Silver Y Moth Haugh Woods
Male Ringlet Haugh Woods
Brown Silver-line Moth Symonds Yat
Male Holly Blue Symonds Yat
Violet Ground Beetle Symonds Yat
Female White-legged Damselfly Symonds Yat
Dunnock English Bicknor
Goshawk English Bicknor
Tree Sparrow English Bicknor
Male Meadow Brown English Bicknor
Peacock & Meadow Brown English Bicknor
Male Gatekeeper English Bicknor
Comma English Bicknor
Grey Wagtail Cannop Ponds New Forest
Song Thrush Cannop Ponds New Forest
Little Skipper Cannop Ponds New Forest